How to deploy a jekyll site to GitHub Pages using Travis CI
As of today, this blog runs on Jekyll, and is hosted on Github Pages(located at, deployed via Travis CI on every commit to the master
branch. This post explains how to set this up easily.
Enable Travis CI for your repository
First thing you need to do is migrate add your Github Repository to Travis and enable it. This article explains how to do it.
Prepare your project for Travis
Make your dependencies Travis Compatible
Your Gemfile.lock
should be compatible with the x86_64-linux
achitecture because that is what the Travis Ruby image uses as of the date of writing of this post. If you don’t you could end up seeing errors like:
Your bundle only supports platforms [“x86_64-darwin”] but your local platforms are [“ruby”, “x86_64-linux”]
To avoid this, run the following command in your project directory:
bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux
Generate your GitHub Personal Access Token
Login to GitHub and navigate to to generate a new Personal Access Token(PAT) with the following scopes:
- repo
- repo:status
- repo_deployment
- public_repo Access
- repo:invite Access
- security_events
Now, copy your PAT and add it to the environment variables of your Travis repository by following these steps.
This article assumes you stored your environment variable using the GH_TOKEN
key. If you chose a different name, change the vsriable name in the .travis.yml
shown below.
Fix your ruby version
Next, we need to specify the Ruby version which Travis will use to build your site and install dependencies. Since the latest jekyll release(v4.2.1
) works completely fine with ruby version 2.5.3, that’s what we’ll be using. So go to your project root and run
echo "2.5.3" > .ruby-version
Create your Travis configuration file
Finally, it’s time to create your .travis.yml
file. Here is what I use currently currently with a brief explanation:
language: ruby # build this using ruby
cache: bundler # cache the bundler dependencies to prevent having to reinstall them for each build from scratch
- rm -rf _site # remove the `_site` folder if it already exists
- gem install jekyll bundler # install jekyll and bundler
- bundle install # install all needed gems using bundler
- JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build # build the site. This puts the output in the `_site` folder by default
- find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name _site -not -name .git -exec rm -rf '{}' \; # delete all files and folders excluding the `.git` and `_site` folder
- find _site -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec mv '{}' . \; # move all files and folders in the `_site` folder to the root
- rm -rf _site # delete the site folder
- echo "" > CNAME # Use `` custom domain for my GitHub Pages site. REMOVE OR UPDATE THIS.
deploy: # deploy step for travis
provider: pages # to github pages
skip_cleanup: true
github_token: $GH_TOKEN # Environment variable key which stores your GitHub PAT
keep_history: false # do a force push
branch: master # only deploy on merges to master branch
Make sure to update or remove the echo "" > CNAME
line based on your custom domain requirements.
And thats it!
Any pushes to the master
branch should now deploy your changes to GitHub Pages on the gh-pages
branch. Note that the changes might take a while to reflect due to GitHub CDN propogation delays. Be sure check out my repository to see my integration with Travis CI, Jekyll and GitHub Pages as an example.